jeudi 6 août 2020

Vijnana Bhairava Tantra 31 Exploding Energy beyond the Body

1910 :: Colossal #Shivalinga In Baramulla , Kashmir (Photo - ASI ...
Shiva Linga in Kashmir, Baramulla

The experience of filling the body with breath and "exploding" it above the body, unto space :

tayāpūryāśu mūrdhāntaṃ bhaṅktvā bhrūkṣepasetunā |
nirvikalpaṃ manaḥ kṛtvā sarvordhve sarvagodgamaḥ || 31 ||
"Having quickly filled (the body) up to the head
with that (Vital Energy, and) having broken through
the bridge of the protracted eyebrows,
having made awareness undivided,
when (the Vital Energy) goes above all, 
one goes above all."

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