vendredi 4 septembre 2020

Vijnana Bhairava 36 37 Gazing at Light

completion of the path of thogal - Discussion -

The practice of looking at the visual field and its light :

kararuddhadṛgastreṇa bhrūbhedād dvārarodhanāt |
dṛṣṭe bindau kramāl līne tanmadhye paramā sthitiḥ || 36 ||
"By blocking the door (and) breaking through the eyebrows
with the tool of the hands blocking vision,
when a sphere is seen and gradually disapears,
in the middle of that is le supreme life."

dhāmāntaḥkṣobhasambhūtasūkṣmāgnitilakākṛtim |
binduṃ śikhānte hṛdaye layānte dhyāyato layaḥ || 37 ||
"Contemplating above the head, in the eart,
the sphere (of the visual field) that has the shape
of dots of subtle fire moving inside the abode of light,
(the mind shall) dissolve (back into its source)."

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