mercredi 14 octobre 2020

nana Bhairava 103 104 Expanding One's Body Beyond Ordinary Conventions

indo-greek face, from before the Cut

The practice of expading one's body beyond the confines of ordinary experience :

na cittaṃ nikṣiped duḥkhe na sukhe vā parikṣipet |
bhairavi jñāyatāṃ madhye kiṃ tattvam avaśiṣyate || 103 ||
"One should not throw one's attention in pain,
nor entirely in pleasure, o Goddess !
One should know (their) center.
(And then) what ? Being remains."

vihāya nijadehasthaṃ sarvatrāsmīti bhāvayan |
dṛḍhena manasā dṛṣṭyā nānyekṣiṇyā sukhī bhavet || 104 ||
"Having dropped away identifification to one's body (only),
one should realize that 'I am everywhere'.
Through (such a) stable mental gaze,
one becomes independant from (any) 'other', (and hence)
one shall be at ease."

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