mardi 19 mars 2019


What is worship ?

ānandayoga eva hṛdayapūjā yathoktaṃ trikatantrasāre :

ānandaprasaraḥ pūjā tāṃ trikoṇe prakalpayet |
puṣpadhūpādigandhaistu svahṛtsaṃtoṣakāriṇīm ||

Worship of the Heart is the yoga of bliss, as revealed in the Essence of the Trinity Tantra :

"Worship is the flow of bliss.
One will adore Her in the Triangle, 
She who is the source of satisfaction within one's heart, 
with the perfume of flowers, incense and what not."

Abhinava Gupta, Parâtrîshikâvivarana

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