lundi 7 septembre 2020

Vijnana Bhairava 41 42 Awakening With Music

Shiva Vinadhara (Holder of the Vina) Chola Dynasty, ca 950 AD Tamil Nadu  photo - Brian McMorrow photos at
Shiva holding the vînâ

The practice of expanding awareness throught music :

tantryādivādyaśabdeṣu dīrgheṣu kramasaṃsthiteḥ |
ananyacetāḥ pratyante paravyomavapur bhavet || 41 ||
"By dwelling on the end of each long-sustained sound
of a string instrument or any other musical instrument,
one who doesn't pay attention to anything else
shall become one who's body is supreme space."

pindamantrasya sarvasya sthūlavarṇakrameṇa tu |
ardhendubindunādāntaḥ śūnyoccārād bhavec chivaḥ || 42 ||
"By spelling out the empty (stages of sound)
- the half-moon, the dot, the end of resonance -
following the order of the gross syllables
of any 'group' Mantra, one shall become God."

A 'group' (pinda) Mantra is, for instance, HSKPHREM, pronounced something like  "hasskaphrem".

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