Philosophie et mystique, voie de la connaissance et de l'amour. Philo-sophia, amour de la sagesse, désir de vérité, expérience et réflexion. Yoga ou union du cœur et de la tête. La philosophie comme yoga, la philosophie comme pratique, éclairée et nourrie par la tradition du Tantra et autres sources que nous ont léguées nos ancêtres. Formation tantra traditionnel.
lundi 7 septembre 2020
Vijnana Bhairava 41 42 Awakening With Music
Shiva holding the vînâ
The practice of expanding awareness throught music :
tantryādivādyaśabdeṣu dīrgheṣu kramasaṃsthiteḥ |
ananyacetāḥ pratyante paravyomavapur bhavet || 41 ||
"By dwelling on the end of each long-sustained sound
of a string instrument or any other musical instrument,
one who doesn't pay attention to anything else
shall become one who's body is supreme space."
pindamantrasya sarvasya sthūlavarṇakrameṇa tu |
ardhendubindunādāntaḥ śūnyoccārād bhavec chivaḥ || 42 ||
"By spelling out the empty (stages of sound)
- the half-moon, the dot, the end of resonance -
following the order of the gross syllables
of any 'group' Mantra, one shall become God."
A 'group' (pinda) Mantra is, for instance, HSKPHREM, pronounced something like "hasskaphrem".
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