mardi 8 septembre 2020

Vijnana Bhairava 43 44 45 Feeling Space

The practice of feeling space :

nijadehe sarvadikkaṃ yugapad bhāvayed viyat |
nirvikalpamanās tasya viyat sarvam pravartate || 43 ||
"One sould felle the sky in one's body,
in all directions and all at onece.
Having undivided attention,
all becomes alive as sky."

pṛṣṭaśūnyaṃ mūlaśūnyaṃ yugapad bhāvayec ca yaḥ |
śarīranirapekṣiṇyā śaktyā śūnyamanā bhavet || 44 ||
"One shloud feel the empty (space) above
and the empty (space) below, all at once.
Through the energy of not depending on the body,
one attention shall become empty."

pṛṣṭaśūnyaṃ mūlaśūnyaṃ hṛcchūnyam bhāvayet sthiram |
yugapan nirvikalpatvān nirvikalpodayas tataḥ || 45 ||
"One should feel clearly (sthiram) the empty (space)
above, below, in the heart, all at once.
Because one is undivided,
undivided (awareness) will rise."

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