Philosophie et mystique, voie de la connaissance et de l'amour. Philo-sophia, amour de la sagesse, désir de vérité, expérience et réflexion. Yoga ou union du cœur et de la tête. La philosophie comme yoga, la philosophie comme pratique, éclairée et nourrie par la tradition du Tantra et autres sources que nous ont léguées nos ancêtres. Formation tantra traditionnel.
mercredi 9 septembre 2020
Vijnana Bhairava 46 47 48 Feeling the Body In Space
The practice of feeling space pervading the body. I am not locked down inside the body or inside anything. Rather, the body and all places are inside me, in the space of awareness :
tanūdeśe śūnyataiva kṣaṇamātraṃ vibhāvayet |
nirvikalpaṃ nirvikalpo nirvikalpasvarūpabhāk || 46 ||
"One shloud feel, just for a moment,
that very emptiness within the body,
in an undivided manner (nirvikalpam).
Undivided shall enjoy one's undivided essence."
sarvaṃ dehagataṃ dravyaṃ viyadvyāptaṃ mṛgekṣaṇe |
vibhāvayet tatas tasya bhāvanā sā sthirā bhavet || 47 ||
"O gazelle-eyed-one ! One should feel all the substance of one's body
as being pervaded by space.
Then one's feeling shall
become stable."
dehāntare tvagvibhāgam bhittibhūtaṃ vicintayet |
na kiṃcid antare tasya dhyāyann adhyeyabhāg bhavet || 48 ||
"One should evoke clearly that there is nothing
inside the body,
the skin being like a wall.
Seeing thus, one shall enjoy that which cannot be seen."
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