samedi 12 septembre 2020

Vijnana Bhairava 55 56 57 Dissolving the World in Consciousness

The practice of dissolving the world into consciousness :

pināṃ ca durbalāṃ śaktiṃ dhyātvā dvādaśagocare |
praviśya hṛdaye dhyāyan muktaḥ / svapna-svātantryam āpnuyāt || 55 ||
"One shoul contemplate the (breath) power
above the head (at the end of the out-breath) :
(firts) she is gross, (bu) then she (will become) subtle.
Contemplating (the same energy) having entered 
the heart (at the end of the in-breath),
freed, one will becomme absolutely free/ one will reach freedom in dreams."

bhuvanādhvādirūpeṇa cintayet kramaśo 'khilam |
sthūlasūkṣmaparasthityā yāvad ante manolayaḥ || 56 ||
"One should meditate on the Whole, part after part,
throught (the device) of the Path of the Wolrds, etc.,
dissolving (each world) throught its gross, subtle and supreme states,
so that at the end, attention / mind dissolve away."

asya sarvasya viśvasya paryanteṣu samantataḥ |
adhvaprakriyayā tattvaṃ śaivaṃ dhyatvā mahodayaḥ || 57 ||
"One should contemplate all the universe,
until the ultimate (level), completely,
through the device of the (Six) Paths.
Meditating thus the level of Shiva,
so that le highest awakening happens."

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