dimanche 13 septembre 2020

Vijnana Bhairava 58 59 60 Gazing At Open Space

The practice of opening awareness through gazing at an empty space ou a wide open landscape :

viśvam etan mahādevi śūnyabhūtaṃ vicintayet |
tatraiva ca mano līnaṃ tatas tallayabhājanam || 58 ||
"O Goddess ! One should envision
all this universe as being empty.
And attention will dissolve there itself.
Then one will be the vessel where (all) that dissolve away."

ghatādibhājane dṛṣṭim bhittis tyaktvā vinikṣipet |
tallayaṃ tatkṣaṇād gatvā tallayāt tanmayo bhavet || 59 ||
One should throw one gaze/attention
in a vessel like the body, putting aside its walls.
Dissolving in that (space) from then onward,
one will become that because of dissolving in that."

nirvṛkṣagiribhittyādideśe dṛṣṭiṃ vinikṣipet |
vilīne mānase bhāve vṛttikṣiṇaḥ prajāyate || 60 || 
"One should project one's gaze/attention
on a place without trees, montains, walls, etc.
When in a state where attention has dissolved away,
one's mental activites will stop."

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