lundi 12 octobre 2020

Thoughts of No One


The practice of realizing transcendance from thoughts and form the body :

nirnimittam bhavej jñānaṃ nirādhāram bhramātmakam |
tattvataḥ kasyacin naitad evambhāvī śivaḥ priye || 99 ||
"Cognition arises without cause,
it is without ground and a pure delusion.
Really, it doesn't belong to anyone :
being thus, one becomes God, o dear one !"

ciddharmā sarvadeheṣu viśeṣo nāsti kutracit |
ataś ca tanmayaṃ sarvam bhāvayan bhavajij janaḥ || 100 ||
"Consciousness is in all bodies.
There is no difference anywhere.
ANd thus all is consciousness.
Realizing this,
one becomes a master of existence."

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