dimanche 11 octobre 2020

Vijnana Bhairava 96 97 98 Awakening Through Desire


The practice of plunging into the source of desire to fond the source of everything :

jhagitīcchāṃ samutpannām avalokya śamaṃ nayet |

yata eva samudbhūtā tatas tatraiva līyate || 96 ||

"When a desire arises,

one should look at it and bring it to peace,

(since) it dossilves away exactly

where it arose."

yadā mamecchā notpannā jñānaṃ vā kas tadāsmi vai |

tattvato'haṃ tathābhūtas tallīnas tanmanā bhavet || 97 ||

"'When my desire or my cognition

is not arisen, then who am I ?

That is what I réally am.

One who dissolves in that, becomes that."

icchāyām athavā jñāne jāte cittaṃ niveśayet |

ātmabuddhyānanyacetās tatas tattvārthadarśanam || 98 ||

"When desire or cognition have arisen,

one should fix (one's) attention (on them).

Focused on the insight that (this) is the Self,

then comes vision of the truth of being."

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